We had a great performance and message from local magician Alan Kazam on "Buddies not Bullies". Students and teachers alike were awe-struck with illusions including a disappearing bird, bunnies multiplying in a student's hand, mixing up the colors of the flag, watching pastor's head shrink, and making one of our administrators disappear.

Trinity Lutheran School's teacher and STEM coach was recently recognized for her outstanding dedication to science education and coaching. Mrs Jennifer Phifer was awarded the "Top Coaching Achievement Award" for leading her team to the #1 ranked Class D school for two consecutive years at the regional Science Olympiad tournament as well as leading the school's Kidwind Alternative Energy team to the national competition this year. Principal Bill Semrau applauded Phifer for her dedication and commitment to the students as well as her organization to coach both teams simultaneously this spring.

Mrs Heather Burleson receives Trinity Lutheran School's 2024 "Golden Eagle" award "For Exceptional Volunteer Service, Commitment, and Dedication to the School, Staff, and Students throughout the 2023-2024 School Year." Burleson serves as chairperson of the PTL organizing events such as the father-daughter dance and book fair, is the vice chair of the school board, headed up the auction planning committee, on the interview committee for hiring, and is often found volunteering at the school up to 4 nights per week after working her regular job. School Board chairman Jim Tuls and Principal Bill Semrau praise Burlson for all that she has done to help the school and childcare ministries.

Trinity Lutheran School and Daycare of Paw Paw celebrates the Class of 2024 graduates in a special Graduation Sunday service.
Parents, staff, volunteers, and the congregation celebrated many levels of graduation recently.
PreSchool, Kindergarten Readiness, and Kindergarten:
8th Grade graduation, and Middle School Celebration
Valedictorian: Maddie B
Salutatorian: Isadora C
TLS Alumni/Paw Paw visit TLS
PPHS & Lawton High School Graduates on Graduation Sunday

Wonderful to welcome our Alumni back this morning and hear a little about high school and a few fond memories of their time at Trinity. We wish them all well as they graduate from Paw Paw and begin the next chapter of their lives.

Trinity Lutheran School and Church celebrates along with the families of 3 of our 8th graders who were confirmed in the Christian Faith this last Sunday (May 19, 2024).

Notables Speeches - Thank you to the parents and family members who came to support the students in their presentations today. Our middle school students did a great job sharing their research on historical people and the contributions they made to society. Although all of them are winners for learning and presenting, the top scores will be announced next week at chapel.

Mrs. Eleanor Dunlop read to our school on Wednesday March 13.
She shared some parts of her life as a nurse in WW2 and read “If I were 100”.
Following the reading, she took questions from the students.
All enjoyed refreshments in the fellowship hall.

Today we have a lot going on at Trinity Lutheran School. Chapel service begins the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. We celebrate love for one another and especially God's love for each of us. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16Happy Valentines Day, 100th Day of school, and both a student and staff member's birthdays today. (2/14/2024)

Kindergarten class celebrates the 100th day of school today. (2/14/2024)

One of our 1st graders is helping our librarian check in books.Service to others is one of the SOAR principles we teach students at Trinity Lutheran School.

Wednesday January 24, 2024
Today is “Prince & Princess”, “dress to impress”, “putting on the ritz”, or “dress to the nines” day. However you look at it, each class chose a best dressed to represent their class.
Reflecting on the scriptures and the teaching of the Lutheran church, we are all Winners, as baptized believers in Jesus Christ. Through His atoning sacrifice and salvation offered to all of us, we are all Royalty - being adopted sons and daughters of the One True King!
I found this on wikipedia.org:Martin Luther …(wrote about)...a general priesthood in Christendom in his 1520 To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation:
“In fact, we are all consecrated priests through Baptism, as St. Peter in 1 Peter 2:9 says, "You are a royal priesthood and a priestly kingdom," and Revelation 5:10, "Through your blood you have made us into priests and kings."
Luther would write in his On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520): “...for thus it says in 1 Peter 2, "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a priestly kingdom." In this way we are all priests, as many of us as are Christians.“
Claim your Royal family!If you have any questions or desire to be baptized and have not yet done so, please speak with Pastor Phifer or any one of us at school. Our Lord desires all people to be in His Royal family!
Wednesday January 24, 2024
Today is “Prince & Princess”, “dress to impress”, “putting on the ritz”, or “dress to the nines” day. However you look at it, each class chose a best dressed to represent their class.
Reflecting on the scriptures and the teaching of the Lutheran church, we are all Winners, as baptized believers in Jesus Christ. Through His atoning sacrifice and salvation offered to all of us, we are all Royalty - being adopted sons and daughters of the One True King!
I found this on wikipedia.org:
Martin Luther …(wrote about)...a general priesthood in Christendom in his 1520 To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation:
“In fact, we are all consecrated priests through Baptism, as St. Peter in 1 Peter 2:9 says, "You are a royal priesthood and a priestly kingdom," and Revelation 5:10, "Through your blood you have made us into priests and kings."
Luther would write in his On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520):
“...for thus it says in 1 Peter 2, "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a priestly kingdom." In this way we are all priests, as many of us as are Christians.“
Claim your Royal family!
If you have any questions or desire to be baptized and have not yet done so, please speak with Pastor Phifer or any one of us at school. Our Lord desires all people to be in His Royal family!

"Trinity Lutheran School kicks off National Lutheran School Week with special guests Senate Minority Leader Aric Nesbitt and former State Representative Beth Griffin"

Our new music teacher Larry Jones practicing with the students for Lutheran Schools Week Sunday

Pastor Phifer leading chapel in the gym during the cold days recently.
We are singing one of our favorite songs, "Hippopotamus".

Trinity Lutheran students, parents, and staff participated in the Paw Paw Holiday parade Saturday (December 2, 2023), handing out information on our school and invitations to Advent worship services and events.

Middle school students are preparing for a few science competitions including the regional Science Olympiad Tournament next spring. A student is experimenting with how the tension on a string will change the pitch of a sound in this homemade device.
Middle school students at Trinity Lutheran are studying biological systems of the body this year in science class. They are creating a model of the intestine and studying how glucose (food) can transfer through it.

Students are learning about Native American history by recreating a Potawatome scene and making model birch bark houses.

Two of TLS's middle school students are playing football with Lawrence Public Schools thanks to a cooperative athletic agreement. Congratulations boys. Wishing you a great season!

Trinity Middle School attends Growler's Education day along with many other schools across Southwest Michigan.
In the STEM displays before the game, students were able to test out buoyancy, quiz each other on Astronomy, try out a Styker medical bone saw, ride on an ambulance stretcher, meet with the Carpenters Union and use a power screw gun and practice on a MIG welding simulation machine. KVCC was there letting students build model wooden structures and try them in the Earthquake machine. In the parking lot Firefighters worked with students to run a hose while a tree trimming service let students repel in their harness. There were a lot of great opportunities for students to try things in the exhibits.
During the game 3 of our Trinity students retrieved foul balls. Sydney had one bounce right to her seat in the 2nd Inning, while Tristan and Levi ran to get them in the 8th and 9th Innings. Students also met with players and got autographs during and after the game.
In addition, we met up with some friends who transferred to our sister Lutheran school.
In the STEM displays before the game, students were able to test out buoyancy, quiz each other on Astronomy, try out a Styker medical bone saw, ride on an ambulance stretcher, meet with the Carpenters Union and use a power screw gun and practice on a MIG welding simulation machine. KVCC was there letting students build model wooden structures and try them in the Earthquake machine. In the parking lot Firefighters worked with students to run a hose while a tree trimming service let students repel in their harness. There were a lot of great opportunities for students to try things in the exhibits.
During the game 3 of our Trinity students retrieved foul balls. Sydney had one bounce right to her seat in the 2nd Inning, while Tristan and Levi ran to get them in the 8th and 9th Innings. Students also met with players and got autographs during and after the game.
In addition, we met up with some friends who transferred to our sister Lutheran school.