About Our Parent Teacher League:
Trinity Lutheran School and Early Childhood Center have an active PTL. Our Parent Teacher League is a group of teachers, parents, and congregation members that want to help make student life at Trinity a great experience. They organize events such as Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Events, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, and more. Come join our PTL today
Check Out Our Parent League Events at https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/parentteacherleague/home
Trinity Lutheran School and Early Childhood Center have an active PTL. Our Parent Teacher League is a group of teachers, parents, and congregation members that want to help make student life at Trinity a great experience. They organize events such as Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Events, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, and more. Come join our PTL today
Check Out Our Parent League Events at https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/parentteacherleague/home