Engaging, Connecting, and Serving
All People with the Love of Jesus

Enroll Now at Trinity Lutheran School

Enrollment opens on January 8th for Trinity Lutheran School for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.  Follow the link below to register and get more information.  

A Big Event

Dave Barrasso and team are working on a big event and you are invited. A fun and fantastic golf outing is being planed for Friday, September 13. This is a 4 person scramble to be held at Shamrock Hills Golf Course in Gobles.

How can you be part of it?

  • Sign up to Golf - $75 per player or $275 for your 4 person team (if paid by 9/1).
    • Please sign up as soon as possible so we can have the course reserved.
  • Sign up to help - we need volunteers.
  • Tell all the golfers you know - right now there is plenty of space for golfers.
  • Ways to pay:
    • Send a check to Trinity Lutheran Church at 721 Pine St. Paw Paw, MI 49079 - include the name(s) of the golfers.
    • Pay online using the QR code on the image above or go to trinitylutheran.com/giving (select fund 330 Golf Outing - September 13, 2024). Then email your golfers names to churchoffice@trinitylutheran.com

Need more information? Contact Dave - dbarrasso@outlook.com

Latest Message

Click on the picture to be taken to our latest worship service and message from Trinity.  It is our hope and prayer that this encourages you in your daily walk with Jesus and to plan to join us in person soon. 

Upcoming Service

Join us for our upcoming service on Sundays at 9 am and 11 am.  You can join our live stream by clicking on the image above. 

Gallery of Trinity

There is always something happening at Trinity.  Click on the image above to see the latest pictures of all that is happening at Trinity Lutheran Church and School.