Trinity School News

                                                                                                  School News
Our students are shining their lights brightly in our classrooms.  On Thursday, September 26 we will be praying with students across our nation at See You at the Pole.  We would love to have church members join us as we pray for our schools and individual needs of our communities.  It would be an encouragement to staff and students to have you praying with us.

Friday, September 27, we will have our Bike-A-Thon and will also incorporate a Walk-A-Thon in for those who are not bike riders.  Our students will be collecting pledges for the laps they will bike or run.  It is a privilege for them to personally fundraise for the programs they enjoy. Thank you for your support of our students and please stop by to encourage them in their efforts.

Our first quarter chapel offerings will be for the Hand 2 Hand ministries which supports elementary students within our community.  With the increasing costs of food, this program ensures that these young children have meals and snacks for the weekend.  Parents have been very appreciative of this ministry. 
Jody Tuls
School Principal